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”Around the globe, tax authorities have become more aggressive, primarily to reduce government fiscal deficit”. This is how an analysis recently published on has started ( is edited by the prestigious International Tax Review).
You will hardly find today an analysis on transfer pricing issues without this common type of safety warning. It has become a kind of globally well-known "objects in the mirror are closer than they appear”. So, for a taxpayer engaged in business with a related party in the world (and who isn’t nowadays?) any advice from UK, let’s say, would be everywhere welcomed.
So, take a pen and a post-it and pay attention!, before paying more money when the tax inspector will come.
“Tax authorities are no longer satisfied with weak documentation and increasingly prefer local comparables. Using public company data from where it is available, and applying that to any region, is no longer considered acceptable by many tax authorities. Without a set of local or regional comparables to work from, multinationals don’t have a solid case in any litigation or audit and run the risk of penalties, double taxation and other audit issues that could cost plenty of time and money’’.
We will continue to find more news for you about trends in transfer pricing, good advice to help you develop what is called “a solid case’’ in any further litigation. So stay in touch with our section Your suggestion will help us to help you better!