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New changes in Romanian transfer pricing rules. The old Order 222 (the well-known Order issued by the President of the National Agency of Fiscal Administration which details the content of the transfer pricing file) is now history! From now onwards we will continuously read...Order 442.
Click here to find out our first impression about the changes!
We will come back to you with a detailed newsletter regarding this new piece of legislation, taking into account the latest recommendations coming from Brussels which clearly show that we should expect new additional developments to the legislation regarding intra-group transactions.
Once again it becomes clear that transfer pricing transcends the borders of a basic analysis of the market price, turning into a political issue.
Therefore, BEPS! BE Prepared to Switch!
We have prepared for you the English version of the Order 442/2016. Please note that this is an unofficial translation; dealing with the local authorities, the official (Romanian) version will prevail.
In case of further questions, please don't hesitate to contact us. You can always count on our help!