- Apple+Ireland vs. Brussels: the iCase of transfer pricing seen through 13 +1 recitals 2020.07.22
- TPS turns 11! Thank you for your trust 2020.03.06
- The very first DAC6-Partner workshop: interactive and instructive! 2020.02.05
- Melting Greenland and the obscure side of the Trump vs. Denmark scandal. A tax perspective! 2019.08.23
- Knowns and unknowns about the nearing transposition of DAC6 (the ”over transparency of intermediaries”) Directive 2019.08.06
- The fiscal battle vowed to be won by Mrs. Ursula von der Leyen, the new EU top executive (with no fanaticism hopefully)! 2019.07.16
- TPSkit (II) - PREXIT 2019.06.06